Monday, 1 October 2012

Presentation Questions

What happens if it rains?

We will instead be filming the scenes where the singer is with his friends at Luthais' house as it has large enough spaces to accommodate the equipment along with the actors and cameramen too,

What idea for the narrative do you have?

For our narrative we'll have the singer and he will be leaving his home after an argument. Then, he will go out with his friends and have a good time, due to the fact that the lyrics say 'Because I wanted to go out, to make everybody smile'.

Are you going to challenge or conform to the genre characteristics?

No we are not going to change our indie genre characteristics for our music video. 'One Night Only' is a typical indie band, therefore we want a to try to represent the indie culture in the music video. We wouldn't want to challenge the characteristics because otherwise it might not appeal to the typical target audience for the genre, however it might appeal to a different target audience instead.

Who's going to be your main performer?

We have decided that Michael Moursi is going to be the main performer. The reason for this is because he looks more indie than the rest of us. Moreover, he is the most suitable role.

What are your ideas for representing your artist?

We will represent the artist as a carefree, chilled out guy.

What are the scenes you want to film in town?

In our town, we will film a number of scenes during the time there, for example the walking scene and the partying scene.

What would you film in the drama studio?

We would film the band playing in the drama studio because it is a wide area, which is vital for the performance.

Isn't the drama studio a bit bland for the genre?

We do not want a vibrant setting for the performance scene. We prefer a simple backdrop for this scene. If this does not appeal to the viewer, we can always apply a filter at the editing stage. In this case, we would choose the black and white filter.

Wouldn't it make more sense to film at someone's house seeing as the song is called "Stay at Home"?

If we were to do that, the focus of the music video would be entirely on the artist's girlfriend who is telling the artist to 'stay at home'. However, he goes out to with his friends. Therefore, it would not work if the video was set mainly at home.

What filters are you going to use in post production?

Possibly black and white filters to sharpen the image, and to give it a professional feel.

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