Thursday, 20 September 2012

iPod Ad Digi-Pack Practice

To practice using Photoshop, I followed an online video tutorial. This was to help me understand how to use Photoshop more efficiently, and to teach me the basic and advanced tools.

The tutorial covered a multitude of methods to be used in Photoshop, which included; using the pen tool, cutting out and silhouetting a figure, layer effects (Like Overlay and Screen), adding text with different sizes and fonts, posterizing an image, using images sourced from the internet, and adding brushes downloaded from the internet.

When it comes to designing our group's final digi-pack design, all of these methods will be useful, and the video will act as a good reference if I ever forget any of the taught methods.

Below you can see the tutorial I followed, made by a man called "tutvid" on YouTube:

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