Wednesday 3 October 2012

Lighting Ideas

We watched this video to get idea for how we might like to light our music video and how we would do it. The video talks about using a rim light in the line of sight to make the face more shadowy on one side, which is one idea we were thinking about using in our video. Another idea is putting lights behind the performer to help throw the background out of focus and create more contrast between the performer and the background. This lights up the edge of the performer to stop them blending in to the background if the clothing of the performer and the background are similar colours. This idea would be good for our video as the song at the start talks about an argument and so it will help to focus on the performers.

This is another video we watched to get more ideas for the effects we could use when filming our music video. The video shows an easy way to make streak filters without spending any money. You can put them over the lens to create a streak effect with the lights used in the shot. You just get a piece of clean and clear plastic and scratch lines into it using a scalpel. You can scratch in lots of different directions to create different streaky effects. We could use this in our video in the same place the the background lighting to create a different effect on some shots at the start of out video.

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