Sunday, 4 November 2012

Social Media Consumption Of Music Videos

One Night Only are on Twitter and Facebook, and they use both of these social networking sites to communicate to their fans and increase their consumption. They can do this by posting updates on what they are doing, like on Twitter a couple of days ago they posted they are currently doing a new music video. Fans will want to know what the band are up to and updates like this keep them interested and its most likely on places like social networking sites that fans will hear about it first. Their music consumption would increase because if someone on Twitter just randomly came across them and liked the look of them, it would not only increase their fanbase but their music consumption as well. The more places you promote your band the more consumption you will get. People will also talk about them through word of mouth after they have found them on any social networking sites. It is also evident from the 2 tweets towards the bottom of the picture that they reply and respond to fan messages left. This will also keep fans interested and probably excite them that their favourite band have replied to them.

One Night Only are also present on Facebook, and are also active and posting things all the time. For example they posted a picture of one of the band members looking like the Joker for Halloween. Also, the half picture at the bottom of the picture is a list for the set they are playing at their next gig. Facebook is probably where fans would hear about it first and so would 'Like' them.

Their presence on Facebook was also felt by us as a group, as earlier in the blog we said we sent a message to them through Facebook asking permission to use their song, and well we got a sort of reply as they 'Liked' the comment, which we are assuming as permission given to use the song 'Stay at Home' for our coursework! (I would post a picture of the evidence however it was too long ago to find it, although it was only about a month ago!)

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